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Grace Gathering Church Plant in Haiti
Please fill out the short form below to share your thoughts.
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What is your first and last name?
Your answer
In the future, if there were an opportunity to go to Haiti with a team of people, would you be interested in joining?
Potentiall! I'd like some more information first.
I would not be interested.
If we were to be put together a prayer team for this church plant, would you be interested in being a part of it?
Yes! I would even help lead prayer times!
Yes! I would be happy to receive periodic updates and commit to praying.
Not at this time.
Are you willing to consider financial support for this church plant?
Not at this time.
What would be your main concerns about this endeavor? What "cost" should we seriously consider?
Your answer
What gets you excited about this opportunity? How do you see God moving in this already?
Your answer
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