“Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.”

Psalm 119:133

There are at least two essentials to the Spirit-filled life – prayer and the Word of God.  As the old song says, “They go together, you can’t have one without the other.”  Prayer finds its very foundation in the Scripture.  You could not pray with purpose, conviction, or direction without the revelation of God that you find in the Bible.  Therefore, you must study the Bible and be a person of prayer.

In Psalm 119, almost every verse refers to the Scriptures.  Verse 133 is a prayer for direction.  The Psalmist here pleads for guidance from the Word of God.

Have you ever considered that God desires to guide every step you take?  He desires to guide not only the big steps in your life, but even the mundane steps you take every day in the kitchen or your workplace.  He will also guide you to the friend who needs encouragement, the neighbor who needs Jesus, and the co-worker who needs a witness of God’s love.

Prayer Focus:  Thank God for guiding our church through Scripture and prayer. Ask the Lord to continue to give the elders, staff, deacons, mission community mentors, etc. the wisdom and discernment needed to accomplish everything He has placed before us.  Thank God for His guidance of your steps.  Ask Him to continue to guide you by making the Scripture you read become alive and personal to you.