The very first time I remember hearing someone use their spiritual gift of teaching, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that’s what it was. I was 10 and sitting where I normally sat on a Sunday morning – on a pew, right beside my Dad and close enough to my mother that she could put her hand on my knee if I got too rambunctious (it happened).
As I sat there that morning, in the church of my childhood and Pastor Guy Wampler stood behind the pulpit preaching, I knew something special was happening. I was leaning in, not doodling, I was anticipating the ending of the story – knowing it was going to mean something important! I leaned into my Dad’s side, loving to feel the rumble of his chest when Pastor Guy’s use of humor made my Dad chuckle.
Fifty years later, I can’t tell you what that sermon was about, but I can tell you how it (and dozens more of those messages) made me feel – like the Bible was a book that was alive and was written for me. That is the sign of a gifted teacher and to this day, when that happens, I think of Guy Wampler.
This spiritual gift of Teaching is best described as the ability to clearly explain and communicate the sometimes complicated and complex truths of the Bible in such a way that people can understand and apply those truths. Most folks I know with this gift have a driving question, “Are the people of God spending time in God’s word and finding ways to live it out?”
Jesus was the teacher of all teachers. He modeled what it means to provide instruction to others in ways they can understand (think stories and parables) so that the often challenging truth of God’s word can sink in and catalyze transformation. He always taught with generosity and care.
In chapters five, six, and seven of the book of Matthew, Jesus preaches what some have called his greatest sermon. While the content of that sermon is life-changing, for me, it’s the way Jesus starts. It is the early days of His ministry and everywhere He goes, crowds are following Him. On the day Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount, knowing He is getting ready to teach some pretty difficult truths, the Scripture tells us that He takes on a particular posture…
“One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them.”
Matthew 5:1-2
When others might have stood and shouted – Jesus sat down.
As far as I can tell, one of the telltale signs of someone with the true spiritual gift of teaching. For more on that, take a look at Matthew 11:25-30.
Suze Fair and her husband Kelly have been a part of the Grace Gathering family for the past six years and have attended all three sites. Suze is mom to three adult children and is self-employed as an executive coach. Suze also serves as Grace Gathering’s centralized leader for scattered church and leadership development.