Welcome to Alpha.


It’s a conversation. It’s a journey. But most of all, it’s community.

Online or In-Person

All Alpha groups (about 10-12 people) will be able to meet in-person or online using Zoom, a video calling platform. (Regardless of COVID, you can participate!)

9-Week Journey

Alpha takes place over the course of 9 weeks. Each week, groups will gather online to get together for about an hour, plus a retreat (potentially an online experience) one weekend.

Open Conversation

We may be doing this together as a church, but Alpha is for everyone. It’s an opportunity for anyone with different perspectives and backgrounds to join in.

Experience Alpha in a Welcome Group, or run your own!

There’s never been a more important time to stay connected and have beyond-the-surface conversations. A Welcome Group is a great way to experience Alpha and explore 5 core areas of life with Jesus and with Grace Gathering: hearing from God, living like Jesus, living as a missionary in everyday life, participating in the Gathered and Scattered Church, and joining our City Vision.

Alternatively, Alpha is free to run, and many people love leading their friends through the course.

Start Alpha now, and we know this will be an experience you’ll look forward to each week.

Join a Welcome GroupAlpha's Website