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Grace Gathering


5. In Spirit and Truth

Scripture Psalm 1001 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.2 Worship the Lord with gladness;come before him with joyful songs.3 Know that the Lord is God.It is he who made us, and we are his ;we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.4 Enter his gates with…
Grace Gathering
June 6, 2021

4. Remembering

Dan Rife writes “What if to discover wholeness in the present we had to remember the past, not figure out the future? In fact, maybe our obsession with the future is actually an attempt to find a past to belong to. Maybe all our answers are found in remembering?” All…
Grace Gathering
May 30, 2021

3. Engaging Warfare

Scripture Read Psalm 911 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most Highwill rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust.”3 Surely he will save youfrom the fowler’s snareand from the deadly…
Grace Gathering
May 23, 2021

2.The Tabernacle Model

Psalm 24Video Content: Kay Warren- Content Questions. For five hundred years, the Tabernacle served as a place for God to resideamong His people, and a place where His people could connect with Him.Exodus 25:8; 40:34-37. Throughout Israel’s history, there was a tendencytoward idolatry. So, the Tabernacle stood as an everyday…
Grace Gathering
May 16, 2021

1. Sabbath & Digital Addiction Questions Talk through the following debrief questions: What has your experience been with Sabbath?What has been most difficult about Sabbath? What was most rewarding?Are you able to take an entire day for Sabbath? Read this Overview: Have you ever experienced a phantom phone vibration? That sensation that makes you…
Grace Gathering
May 9, 2021

4. Imago Dei

All people, no matter what race, share a common origin in Adam. The book of Acts tells us that all people come from the same source. To take it a step further, when we look at the creation of mankind, we also learn that the triune Godhead created us in…
Grace Gathering
May 2, 2021

3. Called to Love All People

Note: In this episode, you will hear briefly from several “neighbors” whose stories we will get to know more fully throughout the course of the next six episodes. Pre-Video Question Read Mark 12:30-31 and Galatians 5:14: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul…
Grace Gathering
April 25, 2021

2. Spend Yourself

Consider how a material-only handout, i.e. giving food, without relationship, might heighten someone’s feelings of shame and disgrace. Consider how listening and getting to know someone might help someone feel valued and heard. Pre-video Question Read Isaiah 58:10-12 “And if you spend yourselves in behalf of thehungry and satisfy the…
Grace Gathering
April 18, 2021

1.Start with Strengths To Love the Least, Last, and Lost

Before watching the film, familiarize the group with the concept of Asset Based Community Development. Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) or Asset Based Community Driven Development as it is sometimes called, is grounded on three principles: Everyone has giftsEveryone has something to contributeEveryone cares about something and that passion is…
Grace Gathering
April 11, 2021

7 – Celebration, Worship, and Victory

As we are moving out of 6 weeks focus on surrender and the life of David, we now move to a place of celebration, worship, and victory! If the cross gave us victory over sin, the Resurrection of Jesus gave us victory over death. In raising Jesus from the dead,…
Grace Gathering
April 4, 2021