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Grace Gathering


3. The Treasure Principal

Download Leader's PDF Watch the Video: The session opened with an illustration. What stood out to you in the opening illustration? What did it make you feel? Would you respond the same way as the weary traveler? Why or why not? In everyday life, we call the idea of…
Grace Gathering
January 18, 2021

2. Spiritual Sustenance

Download free leader PDF Our deep need for God can be compared to hunger and thirst. Our need for spiritual sustenance is even more important than our need for physical food. As Jesus Christ said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the…
Grace Gathering
January 11, 2021

1. The Vine and the Branches

SCRIPTURE THIS WEEKThe Vine and the Branches Download Leader PDF “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.…
Grace Gathering
January 4, 2021

5. Work as Worship

Download the Leader Guide here. This week’s practice will help you craft a “Work As Worship” mission statement that pertains to the work you do. It’s easy to become robotic in what we do each day without considering how God is interacting with others in the world through the work…
Grace Gathering
December 21, 2020

4. When You’re at Your End (Lament as Worship)

Intro to Biblical Lament How we feel about our circumstances and trials doesn’t determine whether or not God is good or worthy of our worship. A terrible diagnosis, a loss of a child, divorce papers, financial failure, depression and hopelessness, and years like 2020 that don’t seem to ever get any…
Grace Gathering
December 13, 2020

3b. Expression in Worship

Preparation for PRAISE, WORSHIP, and SOAKING in His Presence.(View "Intro to Worship in the Psalms" here.) Begin your practice in prayer by asking Him these questions and write down thoughts, words, and pictures that come to your mind. Ask Him what He would have you do in your time of…
Grace Gathering
December 6, 2020

3a. Intro to Worship in the Psalms

We read in 1 Samuel 13:14 that “the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people. That man was David. Scripture tells us in John 4:23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit…
Grace Gathering
December 6, 2020

2. Preparing Our Hearts for Worship

The word worship comes from six different words in the New Testament. Two of the main words used for worship are “proskuneo” which means to kiss the hand of a superior or bow down. The second word for worship is “latreuo” which describes serving as a priest would. We get…
Grace Gathering
November 29, 2020

1. Global Worship

The church that Jesus comes back for will be a multiethnic body of believers from every tribe and tongue around the world. In response to receiving the gospel, we can reorient our lives to be hospitable, pursue relationships with people who are different from us, and worship in new and…
Grace Gathering
November 28, 2020

4. Often Slipping Away

Jesus depended on prayerful times with his Father. He often slipped away to pray by the Sea of Galilee. To get started, watch this video clip on Jesus' teaching on prayer.* Reflecting on Jesus' Patterns of Prayer PRAYER & TEMPTATION (Luke 3:21-23; Mark 1; Luke 4:1-13 – Jesus is led…
Grace Gathering
November 23, 2020