


Over 20 Baptisms in Haiti in the Past Few Months!

Oxford Dream Center This is from Hannah McGuire (New Grace attender and Oxford Dream Center volunteer): "I’ve been a part of Soccer Thursday since December of 2023, and I’ve loved getting to know so many of the Dreamers who attend each week. Working with the elementary group, there’s one special…
Grace Gathering
June 6, 2024

Read these testimonies from Oxford Dream Center

From Oxford Dream Center: Grace Gathering and New Life family, thank you for your unwavering support as we work towards building the Oxford Dream Center. With your help, we are creating a brighter future for the children and youth of our community. Below you will find several inspiring testimonies from students and…
Grace Gathering
March 21, 2024

Campaign Extension: Continuing Our Impact

It's truly remarkable to see how God has moved since the birth of our For the Sake of Others Campaign in May 2022. We've built a church building in Haiti, which would end up becoming a short-term refugee camp during a national crisis. In Southeast Fort Wayne, we've hired a…
Grace Gathering
December 5, 2023

Get a glimpse into a Sunday service in Haiti

From Haiti: Our brothers and sisters in Haiti are continuing to meet together regularly to worship. Here's a short video to share a glimpse of a typical worship time. We are so thankful for God's provision and movement in Haiti. From the Oxford Dream Center The Oxford Dream Center harvest is…
Grace Gathering
October 12, 2023

Patrice and Rosmonde Arrive!

We are so excited about the amount raised towards the For the Sake of Others campaign so far! As of this week, we have reached roughly 40% of the total!Our financial faith journey is supporting both the church in Haiti, and the Oxford Dream Center in Fort Wayne. Our updates…
Grace Gathering
March 30, 2023

Building Stronger Families, Patrice Moving North

We're so excited to bring you an update on the For the Sake of Others campaign!Financially we are about 5 months into our 18 month pledge that ends Nov. 1, 2023, and we have received $266,000. We are so grateful. Thank you all for giving so generously. Oxford Neighborhood We…
Grace Gathering
November 16, 2022

Haiti Donations Needed

We are so grateful for the Grace Gathering family and all the ways that God is prompting generosity in our community! As we move forward with the development of the Haiti church plant, there are several items that we will need to help furnish the new church plant in Haiti.…
Grace Gathering
July 6, 2022