Welcome to
Grace Gathering East
We’re a church committed to loving New Haven, the East side of Fort Wayne, Woodburn, Hoagland, Monroeville, and more, and we meet near I469 in New Haven.
We’re a church committed to loving New Haven, the East side of Fort Wayne, Woodburn, Hoagland, Monroeville, and more, and we meet near I469 in New Haven.
3157 Minnich Rd
New Haven, IN 46774
Say hello, grab coffee, check-in your kids if you have them, and join us for worship!
Experience community in groups and classes, ministries, and communities.
Our worship services start out with engaging worship through music and prayer. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.
The main theme for our gatherings? Discovering how God might be getting our attention, and then stepping out in faith together.
Feel free to park wherever you like. (The front parking lot has a special row for parents with small kids!)
Once you walk in, we encourage you to say hello to someone and let them know you’re new. We have a Connection Center right by the fireplace with more information about Grace Gathering and free coffee at the cafe. If you have young kids, you can check them in towards the back of the cafe lobby.
We see our services as a time to celebrate what God has done, experience his presence, and to be prepared to live differently for the week ahead.
We usually start with engaging worship, which helps us become more aware of God. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.
Your first step is to head to the back of the cafe lobby and check your kids in.
For birth through kindergarten, we have people who would love to watch them for you during the service so they can play and learn. For elementary kids, they worship with everyone at the beginning near the front, then take off for a special interactive teaching and small groups.
Don’t feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.
We are a church who welcomes people from all life experiences:
Young, old, male, female, rich, poor, religious, atheist, married, single, divorced or living together, gay, straight, transgender, current or recovering addict, left-wing, right-wing, apolitical, black, white, brown, church background, no church background… and everything in between.
Every single person is made in the image of God, is worthy of love, experiences the pain of sin and brokenness, and can know Jesus personally.
The Church is a spiritual family, not just a weekend experience. That means we need to spend time together – eating, playing, praying, growing, sharing life, and impacting those around us. We call this the Scattered Church.
See how you can connect below.
Dig into a specific area of faith, such as a Bible Study, financial peace, parenting, and more. (Usually lasting 6-10 weeks)
Participate or serve in ongoing, organized efforts to serve specific needs within the church and the broader community.
Do life together! Get connected in an ongoing, semi-organic community formed around shared interests or shared vision to impact others.
We believe the Biblical vision for leadership involves many people throughout the church, not just “the professional pastor.” Everyone has the call to use the gifts God gives them to love, serve, and lead others. The group below is our staff and ministry leaders, but it’s just a glimpse of our church’s leadership.