Oxford Dream Center

This is from Hannah McGuire (New Grace attender and Oxford Dream Center volunteer):

“I’ve been a part of Soccer Thursday since December of 2023, and I’ve loved getting to know so many of the Dreamers who attend each week. Working with the elementary group, there’s one special moment that sticks out to me.

We were learning about Jesus calming the storm on the boat with the disciples, and the kids’ craft was to cut out their own waves. Kaden is nine years old and has been joining us each week for a few months. His waves included a drawing depicting the rain, a boat, Jesus, and himself. It was drawn almost like a comic strip, where Jesus was saying “STOP!” to the rain, and Kaden drew himself saying “What!” in shock of Jesus’ power. He also asked me how to spell “Jesus loves everyone” and wrote it along the bottom of his waves.

We talked about how when Kaden feels upset by his siblings, Jesus can calm the storm inside his heart as long as Kaden leans on the Lord. It was a great reminder that these kids are really listening, learning, and applying our lessons!

Grace Gathering in Haiti

From Scott Jester, Director of Missional Engagement:

Thanks so much for your continued prayer for Grace Gathering Haiti. As you may know, things have gotten really difficult throughout the country of Haiti which has moved the country into what could be considered a humanitarian crisis. The gang presence continues to grow, specifically around the capital of Port au Prince. This has caused extremely difficult economic conditions for the entire country.

Yet in the midst of all of this the church continues to grow and have an impact. Within the past few months we have seen 20 baptisms and countless individuals come to faith in Christ. This could not have happened without your sacrifice to the For The Sake of Others campaign. It has been amazing to see God move in the midst of some really difficult circumstances.

Check out the video below to catch a glimpse of the highlights from our visit earlier this Spring.

Financial Update

At this point, we have received $630,000! What an incredible blessing! Thank you so much for your continued generosity. Every single sacrifice has been used by God to bless those in Haiti and the Oxford Neighborhood.
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