“At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from Him.  He turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who touched my clothes?’”

Mark 5:30

In Mark, chapter five, we have three important incidents in the life of the Lord Jesus.  It is within the context of these events that Jesus revealed Himself as the powerful Son of God.  In the first event, Jesus revealed Himself as more powerful than demons.  He went along with His disciples to the most demon-possessed man in all the country.  When Jesus showed up, the demons immediately began to beg for mercy.  With one word the demons left this man, never to return.  We also see Jesus revealed as more powerful than death in this passage.  When Jairus’ daughter fell ill, he sought Jesus out to come and heal her.  But before they could arrive, the girl had died.  Jesus, nevertheless, restored her life by the power of His word.  In the middle of these two great revelations, there is a rather small incident where Jesus showed Himself more powerful than disease.  It falls almost as parentheses to the greater event of the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead, but there are still some important truths about the touch of faith.

This healing event shows us that we should not only have spiritual life, but we should also have spiritual health individually and in our corporate church body.  Many have received salvation and have spiritual life, but are not well.  Jesus says in John 10:10, “… I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  The way to experience spiritual health is the same way to experience spiritual life – that is to come into contact with Jesus.

Prayer Focus:  Ask God to give spiritual health to our corporate church body and to you as an individual.