Haiti Church Plant

We want your feedback

In 2016, Scott Jester founded Empowered International – an organization committed to teaching and empowering young adults in Cap Haitien, Haiti. A few years later, Grace Gathering purchased the land next to Empowered international with the intention of planting a church. We’ve connected with Pastor Patrice and several others who are excited and ready to plant this church with us. While we initially planned to plant the church last year, COVID restrictions meant that we needed to push back our timeline.

A year later, we now are prayerfully considering whether this is the right time to begin the church plant process. It is important to take into consideration the current political climate of Haiti and the risks that may be associated with this, however, many of the current issues are long-term, and could have an impact regardless of when we plant the church.

Watch this video for all of the details:

It is important to us as a church that everyone has the opportunity to share with us their thoughts, feelings, prayers, and feedback throughout the decision making process. Follow the link below to share your feedback with us on the church plant process/timeline.

Give your feedback