Welcome to

Grace Gathering North

We’re a church who loves Fort Wayne, Huntertown, Leo, and more, and we meet in the Parkview YMCA on the Northwest side of the city.


At the Parkview YMCA

10001 Dawsons Creek Blvd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Service Time

Sundays at 9:30am

Say hello, grab coffee, check-in your kids if you have them, and join us for worship!

What to Expect

You’ll fit right in.

Our worship services start out with engaging worship through music and prayer. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.

The main theme for our gatherings? Discovering how God might be getting our attention, and then stepping out in faith together.

This Week’s Sermon
See All Sermons
Common Questions

What do I do when I arrive?

Feel free to park wherever you like. Our “front door” is on the West end of the YMCA (on the left as you drive up). We’ll have banners and signs over the entrance for you to find it quickly!

Once you walk in, we encourage you to say hello to someone and let them know you’re new. We have a Connection Center with more information about Grace and free coffee! If you have young kids, our children’s check-in is on your left when you first walk in.

What’s a typical service like?

We see our services as a time to celebrate what God has done, experience his presence, and to be prepared to live differently for the week ahead.

We usually start with engaging worship, which helps us become more aware of God. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.

What can I expect for my kids?

If you have kids who are in 5th grade or younger, your first step is to get checked in. You can do that when you first walk in on your left in the YMCA’s Child Watch area. We also have a check-in station available at the Connection Center in the gym.

For children who are birth through kindergarten, we have people who would love to spend time with them during the service so they can play, learn the Bible, and make crafts. Feel free to drop them off at the beginning or whenever you like.

For elementary-aged kids, you can sign them in before the service, then bring them to stay with you during worship. Before the sermon, we’ll pray over them and dismiss them to their classroom for a special, interactive teaching followed by small groups. (The older kids’ classrooms are to the right when you first walk in.)

What should I wear?

Don’t feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Can I come if I'm...?

We are a church who welcomes people from all life experiences:

Young, old, male, female, rich, poor, religious, atheist, married, single, divorced or living together, gay, straight, transgender, current or recovering addict, left-wing, right-wing, apolitical, black, white, brown, church background, no church background… and everything in between.

Every single person is made in the image of God, is worthy of love, experiences the pain of sin and brokenness, and can know Jesus personally.

How can I find out what's going on?

The best place to check is the Weekly Update! It’s the home for all news, groups, events, stories, serving opportunities, and more!
You can also check out the upcoming calendar of events or subscribe to our weekly email newsletter and text messages.
Meet the Leaders

We believe the Biblical vision for leadership involves many people throughout the church, not just “the professional pastor.” Everyone has the call to use the gifts God gives them to love, serve, and lead others. The group below is our staff and ministry leaders, but it’s just a glimpse of our church’s leadership.

Armando Rangel

Worship Team Leader (North)

Kyle Tennant

Family Ministries Director (All Sites) + Youth Team Leader (North)

Stephanie Tennant

Director of Prayer & Prophetic (All Sites) + Children's Ministry Team Leader (North)

Scott Jester

Missional Engagement Director

Next Steps

Weekly Update

Check out the Weekly Update to stay connected to what’s happening.


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