Welcome to the Weekly Update!
Discover everything going on in Grace Gathering this week and get ready for what’s next.

Christmas with Grace Gathering
Click the button below to find out all the important news and the schedule for Christmas 2021 with Grace Gathering

Christmas Party Open House
On December 12th from 5pm – 7pm, the North site will be having an open house Christmas party at the Menzie’s house (5103 Holly Oak Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46845). It will be a great time to connect with others and have fun! Hors-d’oeuvres will be available. We encourage you to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join us! We hope to see you there!

Monthly Connection Event: Just Come Dinner
- Saturday, December 11th
- 5:00p – 7:00p
- Prepare and bring food
- Baked Potatoes
- Green Beans
- Cookies
- Come to the dinner
- Volunteer to help with food and games
- Invite others to the dinner
- Hangout and make some new friends
- Monetarily
- Helps offset the cost of specific food items (purchasing ham to feed 100 – 125 people)
- Gift cards and special prizes
- We have a tradition of handing out gifts cards to many of the families, for groceries, gas, and other helpful items

Youth: Winter Blast is here!
Parents! Sign-up is officially here for Winter Blast 2022! This coming year’s winter blast will take place on January 14 – 16 at Lake James Christian Camp. It is for all Grace Gathering Middle and High Schoolers and costs $85 per student. The sign-up deadline is December 30th. To find out more and sign up here.

2022 Giving Information and Envelopes
The IRS is allowing individuals to easily deduct up to $300 (up to $600 for married individuals filing jointly) in charitable contributions on their 2021 taxes on top of the standard deduction without needing to itemize. Take full advantage of the giving tax break.
Before filing your 2021 taxes where you’ve claimed a charitable giving deduction, you MUST have already received your giving statement. The IRS can disallow the deduction if the issue date of the statement is after your filing date. Don’t file your 2021 taxes claiming a charitable deduction before you have received your giving statement in January.
If you use giving envelopes (instead of online), pick up your 2022 giving envelopes at the Connections Center of your site beginning 12/12.

Support Us Through Amazon Smile!
The link to most easily find Grace Gathering is https://smile.amazon.com/