Welcome to the Weekly Update!
Discover everything going on in Grace Gathering this week and get ready for what’s next.

Advent Series Begins Next Week
Next week (November 28th) we begin our Advent Series “Promises Kept”. During this series, we will look at the areas of Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace, and how old testament prophecy leads us towards the coming of King Jesus. We hope that you can join us for this series!

Baptisms and Parent-Child Dedications
Have you or someone you know been considering getting baptized? This is your chance! Sign up to get baptized at any three of our sites on December 5th. Baptism is going public about your faith in Jesus and communicating to the world your heartfelt commitment to following Him. It’s an important act of obedience that God’s Spirit rewards in a very special and personal way. To find out more and sign up, go here.
We will also be having parent-child dedications on December 5th. Parent-Child dedication is a commitment to raise your child in the ways of Jesus. Are you ready to make that commitment, and are you ready to ask our church to make the same commitment alongside you? If so, sign up here.

Monthly Connection Event: Just Come Dinner
- Saturday, December 11th
- 5:00p – 7:00p
- Prepare and bring food
- Baked Potatoes
- Green Beans
- Cookies
- Come to the dinner
- Volunteer to help with food and games
- Invite others to the dinner
- Hangout and make some new friends
- Monetarily
- Helps offset the cost of specific food items (purchasing ham to feed 100 – 125 people)
- Gift cards and special prizes
- We have a tradition of handing out gifts cards to many of the families, for groceries, gas, and other helpful items

Youth: Winter Blast is here!
Parents! Sign-up is officially here for Winter Blast 2022! This coming year’s winter blast will take place on January 14 – 16 at Lake James Christian Camp. It is for all Grace Gathering Middle and High Schoolers and costs $85 per student. The sign-up deadline is December 30th. To find out more and sign up here.

Haiti Church Plant Feedback
In 2016, Scott Jester founded Empowered International – an organization committed to teaching and empowering young adults in Cap Haitien, Haiti. A few years later, Grace Gathering purchased the land next to Empowered international with the intention of planting a church. We’ve connected with Pastor Patrice and several others who are excited and ready to plant this church with us. While we initially planned to plant the church last year, COVID restrictions meant that we needed to push back our timeline.
Two years later, we now are prayerfully preparing for this plant for 2022. We are planning a several week focus starting mid January where we will encourage as many people from Grace who feel led to support this in both prayer and a 12 month financial pledge.
Haiti is facing an increasing amount of spiritual battle. Natural disaster devastations, the president was assassinated this summer, there is great political upheaval, and as most of you know 17 Americans were taken hostage 3 weeks ago and demanding ransom money.
We really want the input of Grace Gathering on this decision to plant this church. During our Leadership Conference a couple weeks ago, we gave opportunity for some of our congregation members to give some input. Go to this link to find out more.

Resources for Revelation Round-table Groups
If you are leading a group at Grace Gathering and are looking for resources for your group, you can find resources here: gracegathering.com/revelation-round-table/