Welcome to the Weekly Update! Find out all that is going on at Grace Gathering this week and all that is coming up.

New Series Starting Next Week
Next week (September 12th) we begin our new four-part series “Multiply”. In this series we will discuss what healthy biblical transitions look like and how when churches follow the example of Jesus, or the early church example of the Apostle Paul, new leaders are constantly being trained and raised up.

Baptisms on September 19th
Baptism is going public about your faith in Jesus and communicating to the world your heartfelt commitment to following Him. It’s an important act of obedience that God’s Spirit rewards in a very special and personal way. If you are thinking about getting baptized, find out more information here.

Save the date for our Prayer Walks!
Grace Gathering Central will be hosting three prayer walks in September in order to pray for the Central area of town, and cast vision for ‘how’ and ‘what’ the Central site can do for the surrounding community. We are asking that everyone at Grace Gathering Central attend one of the three dates (No RSVP needed):
- September 13th, 6:30-8:00pm @ The Terry’s (7629 Verona Dr, Fort Wayne, IN, 46816)
- September 19th, 6:30-8:00pm @ The Central Site
- September 23th, 6:30-8:00pm @ The Maconochie’s (1203 Crescent Ave, Fort Wayne, IN, 46805)

Save the date for our Prayer Walks!
Grace Gathering East will be hosting five prayer walks in August through September in order to pray for New Haven and the East side of Fort Wayne, and cast vision for ‘how’ and ‘what’ the East Site can do for the surrounding community.
We are asking that everyone at Grace Gathering East attend one of the remaining dates below. RSVP for East site prayer walks here.
- Sunday, September 12th, 11:45am – 1:15pm @ East Site
- 3157 Minnich Rd, New Haven, IN 46774
- Saturday, September 18th, 9:30 – 11:00am @ Paris’
- 5601 Newland Place, Fort Wayne, IN 46835
- Wednesday, September 22nd, 6:30 – 8:00pm @ Gongawares’
- 4534 Haney Court, New Haven, IN 46774

Join us for our first Young Adult Retreat!
Young Adults of Grace Gathering, we invite you to join us for our very first YA overnight retreat! We believe that God is really moving in the Young Adults of Fort Wayne/New Haven and we want to encounter him more and more. We hope that you can join us as we spend time listening to the Lord and seeking his direction for what YA ministry could look like in 2022. Spaces are limited so make sure you sign up now!

The 2021 Spiritual Assessment Survey Results are here!
Each year we ask individuals at all three sites to fill out our spiritual assessment survey and give us feedback on how they have grown with the Lord in the last year. If you are interested in finding out the results of our survey from this year, go here.