Welcome To
Grace Gathering Online

We’re a church who loves Fort Wayne and beyond, and we gather together online each week.

Sundays at 10:00am

We’d love to have you join us online at 10:00am. You can even join the chat during the service to say hello!

Watch from anywhere

Watch from home on your TV, laptop, phone, or tablet. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notifications!

You’ll fit right in.

Our worship services start out with engaging worship through music and prayer. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.

The main theme for our gatherings? Discovering how God might be getting our attention, and then stepping out in faith together.

Get Connected


Connect throughout the week in community with others online.


Seek God in the Scriptures as they impact everyday life.


Give simply and securely right here or using the app.

Staff Leaders

We believe the Biblical vision for leadership involves many people throughout the church, not just “the professional pastor.” Everyone has the call to use the gifts God gives them to love, serve, and lead others. The group here on the site is our paid staff leaders, but it’s just a handful of our church’s leadership.


What’s the service like?

We see our services as a time to celebrate what God has done, experience his presence, and to be prepared to live differently for the week ahead. We often start with engaging worship, which helps us become more aware of God. Then someone will teach from the Scriptures about the life God is calling us into. Lastly, we’ll finish with a time to respond in worship and prayer.

How can I connect outside of Sundays?

We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to stay connected during this time. Online and hybrid groups are available, launching new each season. You can learn more and sign up here.

Can I attend if I’m... ?

We are a church who welcomes people of all backgrounds: black, white, brown, married, single, divorced, living together, gay, straight, transgender, current or recovering addict, rich, poor, young, old, religious, atheist, and everything in between. Everyone is welcome at Grace Gathering because we all are in need of receiving his grace and experiencing his power. So come as you are, and we’ll see you on Sunday!

Looking for New Life’s online service?

If you are a part of the New Life Church of God family, we’re excited you’re here! You can use this link for your service to worship together and to hear from Pastor Steve.

Service Time: 10:30am

Weekly Update



I’m New!

Fill out the form below and we will contact you and make sure that you get connected.